Page 93 - CIBERES-2016-cast
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Publicaciones científicas más relevantes
• Villar J, Ambrós A, Soler JA, Martínez D, Ferrando C, Solano R et al. Age, PaO2/FIO2, and Plateau Pressure Score: A Proposal for a Simple Outcome Score in Patients With the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.Critical care medicine. 2016;44(7):1361-9.
• Kacmarek R.M., Villar J., Sulemanji D., Montiel R., Ferrando C., Blanco J. et al. Open lung approach for the acute respiratory distress syndrome: A pilot, randomized controlled trial. Critical Care Medicine. 2016;44(1):32-42.
• Hernandez-Pacheco N., Flores C., Oh S.S., Burchard E.G., Pino-Yanes M. What Ancestry Can Tell Us About the Genetic Origins of Inter-Ethnic Differences in Asthma Expression. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports. 2016;16(8).
• Barreto-Luis A, Pino-Yanes M, Corrales A, Campo P, Callero A, Acosta-Herrera M et al. Genome-wide association study in Spanish identifies ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 9 (ADAMTS9), as a novel asthma susceptibility gene.The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology. 2016.
• Slutsky A.S., Villar J., Pesenti A.. Happy 50th birthday ARDS! Intensive Care Medicine. 2016;1-3.
A destacar
• PI13/0119: NAVA en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria. IP: Jesús Villar. / PI2012-FMM: Dexametasona en pacientes con ARDS. IP: Jesús Villar / REB11-024: Practice Variation in Discontinuing Mechanical Ventilation. Ministry of Research, Canada. Co-IP: Jesús Villar / PI14-00844: Susceptibilidad genética y microbioma en SDRA. IP: Carlos Flores. / AC15/00015: Systems pharmacology approach to difficult-to-treat pediatric asthma. Ministerio Economía-ISCIII. IP: Ma Mar Pino-Yanes. / ERACoSysMed 99: Systems pharmacology approach to difficult-to-treat pediatric asthma. ERA-Net ERACoSysMed, Horizon 2020. co-IP: Ma Mar Pino-Yanes. / PI16/0049: Descubriendo respuestas a tres cuestiones sin resolver
en pacientes con SDRA: una iniciativa de medicina de precisión. IP: Jesús Villar. / 5P60MD006902-03: Genetics of Asthma and Obesity Using Admixture Mapping in Latinos. NIH. Co-IP: Ma Mar Pino-Yanes. / 1R01HL117004-01: Pharmacogenomics of Bronchodilator Response in Minority Children with Asthma. NIH. Co-IP: Ma Mar Pino-Yanes. / R01HL130796: Architectural Structure and Regulation of TOLLIP in IPF. NIH. Co-IP: Carlos Flores. / FDN143285: Mechanisms and Therapies of ARDS. Canadian Institutes Health Research. co-IP: Jesus Villar
• FI12/00493: Contrato predoctoral. / CD13/00304: Contrato Post-Doctoral Sara Borrel. / RYC-2015-17205: Contrato Ramón y Cajal. / FI16/00136: Contrato predoctoral. / TESIS2015010057: Contrato predoctoral, Agencia Canaria de Investigación. / Expediente 11608852: Beca Colaboración Ministerio de Educación. / Expediente 13181420: Beca Colaboración Ministerio de Educación.
• Patente de Invención ES2408281 24/04/2014 P201131785 / Patente de Invención ES2481990 29/09/2015 P201232075 / Solicitud Patente P201531475: Método para determinar ascendencia geográfica.
• Jesús Villar: evaluador New England Journal of Medicine, American Journal Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Critical Care, Thorax.
• Jesús Villar: Comité Editorial Intensive Care Monitor, Critical Care.
• Carlos Flores: Comité Editorial Pulmonology, Clinical Antiinflamatory & Antiallergy Drugs.
• Carlos Flores: Líder, División de Genómica, Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, Tenerife.
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