Page 11 - CIBERES2016-ENG
P. 11
Throughout 2016 eleven new patent applications and a registration of software were thus submitted at the CIBER. Seven inventions are in the patentability study and one in the drafting stage, and these are expected to be submitted in early 2017.
Apart from this, eight licence contracts have been signed. Furthermore, during 2016 several negotiations started and we expect to end successfully in the first quarter 2017.
At CIBERES a licence contract was signed with a company in 2016.
• The presentation of the results of research and technological capacities of our groups in technology
transfer sessions. Among many other measures, and just as an example of this, CIBER had a stand and institutional presence at BIOSPAIN 2016 (28-30 September, Bilbao).
• Support for technology-based company creation stemming from CIBER groups.
• Other activities connected with innovation, public-private cooperation and industrial and intellectual property. As an example we could mention:
- The call for Caixaimpulse 2016 projects at which a CIBERES project won an award.
- Several MTAs (material transfer agreements) were signed, one with a company and thus with
economic compensation for the CIBERES), CDAs (confidentiality agreements) and several scientific
cooperation agreements as well as the ones mentioned).
- Participation in internal and external forums and conferences.
In 2016 the CIBER’S Communication Department performed different measures for dissemination and disclosure in order to raise awareness of the Centre, as well as to spread knowledge about the research work done by the groups in its eight thematic areas.
The main highlights of the Communication work done by CIBERES in 2016 are as follows:
• The CIBERES in the media:
In this period 67 CIBER press releases were published, 4 of these from the CIBERES and 1 in cooperation between several CIBER areas.
thematic area
El uso de viejos antibióticos con nuevos dispositivos para aerosolizar emerge como estrategia terapéutica en infecciones respiratorias graves
Las apneas de sueño de extrema gravedad paradójicamente disminuyen el riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes obesos con insuficiencia respiratoria
Diseñan un sistema de uso sencillo para predecir el pronóstico de pacientes con lesión pulmonar grave
El tratamiento con CPAP no previene los problemas cardiovasculares graves de pacientes con apnea de sueño
El CIBER acerca su investigación a la sociedad de la mano de la improvisación teatral en #ImproCiencia
343 appearances in the media were also recorded:
news items
organisation 11

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