Page 28 - CIBERES2016-ENG
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Pulmonary Biobank Consortium
Coordinator: Germán Peces Barba Head: Cristina Villena
Most relevant milestones in 2016:
• Improvement of external visibility:
- Development and publication of new web page addressing researchers and donors.
- Drafting and distribution of new updated triptychs.
- Attendance at scientific events (sessions for training researchers, university master courses, meetings
of experts in respiratory pathologies), and in cooperative activities (congresses, dissemination work,
projects, etc.).
• Increase in collection of deficient samples (lung explants, organ donors, other collections), with 6781 new
samples being collected.
• Management and inclusion of the multicentre collection of over 900 patients recruited in the ISAAC project,
coordinated by the Obstructive Sleep Apnoea line of CIBERES and SEPAR.
• Increase in the requests for samples, both internal and external, with a rise in the number of projects
requiring prospective collections.
• Cooperation and compliance with the objectives undertaken with the National Biobanks Network Platform
of the AES 2013 (PRNB), taking part in its 5 work programmes.
- Member of the management committee - PRNB.
- Member of the quality commission - PRNB.
- Co-coordination of the R+D+i in human tissue Line (Programme 3: Research, Development and
Innovation). This group has already published the following works:
Villena C, Artiga MJ, Bahamonde O, Belar O, Bermudo R, Castro E, De la Puente R, Escámez T, Fraga M, Jauregui L, Novoa I, Peiró-Chova L, Piñero E, Rejón JD, Ruiz M, Vieiro P, Zazo S, Villar V and Rábano A. Optimization of tissue samples for the development and validation of disease biomarkers: the OPTIMARK Project. Europe Biobank Week, Vienna, 2016. Poster presentation. PRIZE for the best poster presentation.
Villena C, Artiga MJ, Bahamonde O, Belar O, Bermudo R, Castro E, De la Puente R, Escámez T, Fraga M, Jauregui L, Novoa I0, Peiró-Chova L, Piñero E, Rejón JD, Ruiz-Miró M, Vieiro P, Zazo S, Villar V, and Rábano A. Optimización de muestras de tejido para el desarrollo y la validación de biomarcadores de enfermedad: proyecto OPTIMARK. VII Congreso Nacional de Biobancos and I Congreso Latinoamericano de Biobancos, Santiago de Compostela, 2016. ORAL paper. PRIZE for the best oral paper.
Villena C, Artiga MJ, Bahamonde O, Belar O, Bermudo R, Castro E, De la Puente R, Escámez T, Fraga M, Jauregui L, Novoa I0, Peiró-Chova L, Piñero E, Rejón JD, Ruiz-Miró M, Vieiro P, Zazo S, Villar V, and Rábano A. Cuestiones ético-legales y problemas de tramitación planteados en un proyecto colaborativo de biobancos. VII Congreso Nacional de Biobancos and I Congreso Latinoamericano de Biobancos, Santiago de Compostela, 2016. Poster presentation.
- Coordination of RESPIRATORY DISEASES work group (Programme 1: Strategic Collections).
- Co-Coordination of LEGAL line and participation in the ETHICS line (Programme 4: ELSI).
- Participation in other lines, such as:
Quality management system (Programme 2: Service management).
Standardisation of database (Programme 3).
Obtaining the classification of distinction for its contribution to the development of objectives of the PRNB
• Granting of the FIS project: Optimization of tissue samples for the development and validation of disease
biomarkers: OPTIMARK project.
• CIBERES research initiation pre-doctoral grant awarded as part of the FIS project.

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