Page 29 - CIBERES2016-ENG
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Technology Development and Transfer Platform
Coordinator: LLuis Blanch Head: Cristina Broceño
The main aim of the CIBERES Technology Development and Transfer Platform (PDTT) is the promotion and coordination of projects intended for innovation in respiratory diseases, ensuring in turn operative management and protection of CIBER/ES rights and those of its researchers.
The PDTT’s work thus involves all the measures intended to foster innovation at CIBERES and maintenance and improvement of the CIBERES relationship with the production network of the biomedical area for respiratory diseases.
The main achievements attained by the PDTT over 2016 are:
• 1 licence contract for CIBER/ES P201531409 patent “Integrated filter-holder and procedure for concentrating and detecting microorganisms” to the Waterologies company.
• Obtaining the grant for CIBER/ES US9297034 and EP2514833 patents from priority P200931177 “Detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae by means of magneto-amperometric genosensors employing specific primers and probes for the lytA gene”.
• Negotiating and signing two CIBER cooperation agreements with Menarini Laboratories for projects: “Structured care Programme for COPD exacerbations in the emergency service” and “Impact of telemedicine on the rate of readmissions for COPD and cost-effectiveness analysis”.
• Negotiating and signing two CIBER service contracts with companies: CIBER-PHILIPS project “Effectiveness of automatically adjusted NIV in the OHS” and CIBER-MODERNA “Isolation, purification, characterisation and production of fusion protein of the human metapneumovirus established in the pre- fusion conformation.
• Signing the CIBER-ISCIII- VALNEVA MTA (Material Transfer Agreement).
• Application and Grant of a Caixaimpulse project for the Valorisation and commercialisation of HIPARCO-
Score technology as a predictor of personalised treatment for patients with resistant hypertension.
• Promotion of the clinical assay sponsored by CIBER/ES and financed by ROCHE “The effect of the diet on
adverse effects of patients with IPF treated with pyrophenidone”.
• Meeting and interviews with IPs CIBERES for monitoring CIBERES ideas and interests. Preparing a list of
CIBERES services.
• Cooperation with ITEMAS in preparing the “ITEMAS Manual for Good Practice in Valorisation”.
• Drafting the 2017 proposal for the 1st Forum for Public-Private Innovation in Respiratory Diseases, along with
• Drafting the proposal for the 1st intraCIBERES Call in Innovation 2017 for supporting the valorisation of
innovative projects carried out by CIBERES groups.
• Maintenance and extension of the CIBERES network. Drafting the new CIBERES triptych and dossier and
dissemination of CIBERES capacities at meetings with companies from the sector: Biospain, Caixaimpulse,
• Participation in measures of the CIBERES/BBN/ER Internationalisation Platform for promoting
internationalisation at CIBERES, dissemination and recruitment of interest.
• Drafting and submitting of CIBERES interests for the 5 European Joint Actions on: quality of prevention
and attendance in HIV/AIDS/STD, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis; chronic diseases; tobacco control; antimicrobial resistances and infections associated with healthcare; processes for preparation in the blood, cells and tissues.
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• Participation in drafting the proposal for inter-CIBERES/BBN/ER European projects and preparing training courses on justifying and writing European projects.

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