Page 45 - CIBERES2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Perez-Lago L., Izco S., Herranz M., Tudo G., Carcelen M., Comas I. et al. A novel strategy based on genomics and specific PCR reveals how a multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain became prevalent in Equatorial Guinea 15 years after its emergence. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2016.
• Cunha BA, Burillo A, Bouza E. Legionnaires’ disease.Lancet (London, England). 2016;387(10016):376-85.
• Burillo A., Marin M., Cercenado E., Ruiz-Carrascoso G., Perez-Granda M.J., Oteo J. et al. Evaluation of the xpert carba-R (cepheid) assay using contrived bronchial specimens from patients with suspicion of ventilator-associated pneumonia for the detection of prevalent carbapenemases. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(12).
• Navarro Y, Romero B, Bouza E, Domínguez L, Juan Ld, García-de-Viedma D. Detailed chronological analysis of microevolution events in herds infected persistently by Mycobacterium bovis.Veterinary microbiology. 2016; 183:97-102.
• Munoz P., Bouza E., Alonso R., Anaya F., Banares R., Bustinza A. et al. The current treatment landscape: The need for antifungal stewardship programmes. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2016;71: ii5-ii12.
The etiologic diagnosis of Pneumonia, remains one of the more important challenges for physicians and researches. Only, after a proper etiologic diagnosis and antimicrobial susceptibility it is possible to apply a proper antimicrobial treatment and to convey an antimicrobial stewardship.
Our lines of research are mainly oriented to the end of providing rapid and adequate orientation for treatment of pneumonia in more patients and more rapidly. Our definition for rapid etiologic diagnosis is to provide etiology and antimicrobial treatment orientation within 8 hours after the reception of the clinical samples in the microbiology department.
Our achievements during 2016 with this orientation were the following:
• PNA-FISH in Lower Respiratory Tract Infections: This is a one hour rapid procedure (1 hour) using a beacon-based fluorescent in situ hybridisation (bbFISH) method to identify the major pathogens causing in LRT samples.
• The utility of assessing S. aureus colonization in patients admitted to a Major Heart Surgery Intensive Care Unit (MHS.ICU). We evaluated the nasal carriage of S. aureus upon admission to a MHS-ICU, comparing the yield of conventional cultures versus rapid molecular test. / The rapid method can be provided in less than 2 hours.
• Rapid identification of microbial pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility using mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). We have been able to use this technique to improve de rapid diagnosis of bloodstream infections, pulmonary mycosis, urinary tract infections and other.
• The spectrum of disease caused by Respiratory Sincitial Virus in adults. We have been evaluating all adults presenting with “Influenza like syndrome” in a prospective way.
• Rapid detection of Carbapenemases directly from Lower Respiratory Tract Samples. We evaluated a rapid molecular test able to identify 5 different carbapenemases in less than 2 hours.
• A miscellany of other topics different than the former lines have been also studied.
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