CIBERES Training Sessions
CIBERES training sessions have the aim of informing about the research lines, research activity and resources available of the different CIBERES groups, as well as fostering interrelations between its younger researchers, attempting to establish bonds and interaction between clinical and basic researchers. These Training Sessions should also help to further relations with researchers from other CIBER in order to establish common ground with a view to future cooperation.
CIBERES Training Sessions have been held uninterruptedly since they started in 2008 in Palma de Mallorca, and have been held in Valladolid since 2014. They have always been very highly valued by the persons attending them. For all these reasons, the CIBERES intends to go on holding these courses once a year in the month of October as part of its Teaching and Training Programme.
The Sessions are intended for pre-doctoral or recent post-doctoral (under 4 years) researchers linked with any of the CIBERES groups. The participants must compulsorily give an oral or poster format presentation of their research work. They have to send in an abstract of the paper along with their registration application for this purpose.
As in the last editions, a prize will be given for the best three papers, consisting in financing the expenses for registration and travel to an international congress, up to at most 500€.