Page 54 - CIBERES2016-ENG
P. 54
leaD researcher
García Río, Francisco José
Servicio Madrileño de Salud
Hospital La Paz
Paseo de la Castellana, 261 28046 Madrid
(+34) 91 390 82 90
group website
Staff members: Cubillos Zapata, Carolina
Associated members: Álvarez-Sala Walther, Rodolfo | Barranco Sanz, Pilar | Caballero Soto, María Luisa
| Carpio Segura, Carlos Javier | Casitas Mateo, Raquel | Del Peso Ovalle, Luis | Domínguez Ortega, Javier | Galera Martínez, Raúl | Hernández Jiménez, Enrique | Jiménez Cuenca, Benilde | López Collazo, Eduardo Manuel | Martínez Cerón, Elisabet | Muñoz Jiménez, Aurora | Pérez de Diego, Rebeca | Prados Sánchez, María Concepción | Quirce Gancedo, Santiago | Roche Losada, Olga | Rodríguez Pérez, María Rosa | Romero Ribate, David | Tiana Cerrolaza, María | Toledano Real, Víctor Manuel | Villasante Fernández-Montes, Carlos
Main lines of research
• genetic-molecular mechanisms of hypoxic signaling
Our activity focuses on trying to define hypoxic signaling mechanisms in a model of continuous sustained hypoxia (COPD) and in another of chronic intermittent hypoxia (sleep apnea), through the identification and functional characterization of gene targets of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), as well as by studying gene variants (SNPs) which might affect the response to HIF.
• Sleep apnea and comorbidities with high mortality and social impact
In this line, we are interested both in the characterization of the pathogenic pathways, in the development
of simplified diagnostic systems and in the evaluation of the CPAP effect on the comorbidity associated
with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). For several years, our projects have focused on the cardiovascular comorbidity of OSA (hypertension, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, pulmonary hypertension and venous thromboembolic disease), although recently we are also addressing its metabolic repercussion (type 2 diabetes) and the association between apnea and cancer.
Chronic Respiratory Diseases Infectious Respiratory Diseases

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