Page 56 - CIBERES2016-ENG
P. 56
leaD researcher
Gea Guiral, Joaquim
consorci mar Parc salut de Barcelona
Hospital del Mar
Paseo Maritimo, 25-29 08003 Barcelona
(+34) 93 248 35 48 [email protected] group website
Staff members: Casadevall Fusté, Carme | Guitart de la Rosa, Maria
Associated members: Admetllo Papiol, Mireia | Balcells Vilarnau, Eva | Barreiro Portela, Esther | Curull Serrano, Victor | Domínguez Álvarez, Marisol | Ferrer Monreal, Antonio | Galdiz Iturri, Juan Bautista | Martínez Llorens, Juana María | Mateu Jiménez, Mercè | Orozco Levi, Mauricio | Puig Vilanova, Ester | Rodríguez, Diego Agustín
Main lines of research
• Muscle disorders in COPD and other lung diseases
Most of our work focuses on the study of muscle abnormalities secondary to the different circumstances and factors present in patients with COPD and other chronic diseases: sedentary lifestyle, hypoxia, hypercapnia, ventilatory loading, inflammation and oxidative stress. In this regard our group has described the specific effects of several of these factors both in respiratory and limb muscles, using patients’ samples and animal models. In the last period, we are mostly devoted to the study of the probable defects in muscle repair present in the above mentioned diseases.
• Phenotyping COPD patients
There are also several of our recent studies searching for new key molecules that can explain part of the pathophysiology of COPD, and eventually serve as biomarkers of some of the traits that characterize the different subtypes of COPD patients or even help on the search of new therapeutic targets. The most ambitious project is BIOMEPOC, a multicenter study investigating potential biomarkers using different ‘omic’ approaches. In addition, new therapeutic targets for COPD may eventually be identified.
Chronic Respiratory Diseases

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