Page 55 - CIBERES2016-ENG
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• Pathogenic mechanisms of airflow limitation
- We intend to contribute to the characterization of clinical, pathophysiological and structural aspects of COPD, both in the stable phase and during the exacerbation. We also studied the systemic effects and polymorphism of COPD, focusing mainly on the repercussion of the disease on daily physical activity.
- Evaluation of the allergic and environmental causes and mechanisms of bronchial inflammation and remodeling. Our activity focuses on the identification of different triggers, the characterization of the asthmatic reaction, the description of molecular mechanisms of eosinophil activation and the definition of the biochemical and genetic mechanisms responsible for occupational asthma.
• Regulation of the innate immune system in chronic respiratory infections
We pretend to recognize the molecular mechanisms of cell signaling responsible for the development of endotoxin tolerance, mainly in patients with COPD, cystic fibrosis and non-CF bronchiectasis. We are also particularly interested in the identification of several immunosuppression pathways of macrophages, natural killer cells and T cells in these patient groups.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Torres-Capelli M., Marsboom G., Li Q.O.Y., Tello D., Rodriguez F.M., Alonso T. et al. Role of Hif2α Oxygen Sensing Pathway in Bronchial Epithelial Club Cell Proliferation. Scientific Reports. 2016;6.
• Martinez-Ceron E., Barquiel B., Bezos A.-M., Casitas R., Galera R., Garcia-Benito C. et al. Effect of continuous positive airway pressure on glycemic control in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes a randomized clinical trial. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2016;194(4):476-485.
• Roche O., Deguiz M.L., Tiana M., Galiana-Ribote C., Martinez-Alcazar D., Rey-Serra C. et al. Identification of non-coding genetic variants in samples from hypoxemic respiratory disease patients that affect the transcriptional response to hypoxia. Nucleic Acids Research. 2016;44(19):9315-9330.
• Alonso-Fernandez A., Suquia A.G., de la Pena M., Casitas R., Pierola J., Barcelo A. et al. OSA Is a Risk Factor for Recurrent VTE. Chest. 2016;150(6):1291-1301.
• Bobolea I., Barranco P., Del Pozo V., Romero D., Sanz V., Lopez-Carrasco V. et al. Sputum periostin in patients with different severe asthma phenotypes. Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2016;70(5):540-546.
In the field of hypoxic signaling, we have described several gene targets of HIF in patients with COPD or sleep apnea, and we have started the functional characterization of their responses. Among other achievements until now, we have described the role of HIF2alpha in the sensing pathway in bronchial epithelial club cell proliferation.
One of the main results obtained in sleep apnea is its identification as a risk factor for the recurrence
of embolic episodes in patients with venous thromboembolic disease, which raises interesting clinical implications about the suppression or continuity of anticoagulation in this group of patients. Above all, we have contributed to the review of pathogenic pathways for deregulation of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with OSA and we have demonstrated a mid-term effect of CPAP on glycemic control in patients with OSA and poorly controlled type 2 diabetes.
In airflow limitation, we have generated the first results of our participation in a European project for the identification of lung function alterations in smokers with ischemic heart disease and we have described
new routes of allergic sensitization in the children and in occupational asthma. In turn, we have provided information about the development of alterations in the symptomatic perception of obese individuals, who could simulate asthma. In this line, members of the group have participated in the preparation of the Spanish Guide for Asthma Management (GEMA 4.0) and the European recommendations for bronchial provocation with food.
In the innate immune system, we have provided information on macrophages reprogramming mechanisms in the context of chronic infections and we have obtained an integrated project of excellence of the ISCIII about endotoxin tolerance, which is coordinated by a group member.
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