Page 59 - CIBERES2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Kacmarek R.M., Villar J., Sulemanji D., Montiel R., Ferrando C., Blanco J. et al. Open lung approach for the acute respiratory distress syndrome: A pilot, randomized controlled trial. Critical Care Medicine. 2016;44(1):32-42.
• Masa J.F., Corral J., Caballero C., Barrot E., Teran-Santos J., Alonso-alvarez M.L. et al. Non-invasive ventilation in obesity hypoventilation syndrome without severe obstructive sleep apnoea. Thorax. 2016.
• Santos A., Lucchetta L., Monge-Garcia M.I., Borges J.B., Tusman G., Hedenstierna G. et al. The Open Lung Approach Improves Pulmonary Vascular Mechanics in an Experimental Model of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Critical Care Medicine. 2016-.
• Seijo L.M., Flandes J., Somiedo M.V., Naya A., Manjon J., Alvarez S. et al. A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Manual and Wall Suction in the Performance of Bronchoalveolar Lavage. Respiration. 2016;91(6):480-485.
• Cosio B.G., Shafiek H., Iglesias A., Yanez A., Cordova R., Palou A. et al. Oral Low-dose Theophylline on Top of Inhaled Fluticasone-Salmeterol Does Not Reduce Exacerbations in Patients With Severe COPD: A Pilot Clinical Trial. Chest. 2016;150(1):123-130.
The Sleep disorders area has been working on multicenter projects in lines of great interest within the CIBERES program (ADVENT-HF Trial, Association between respiratory sleep disorders and cutaneous melanoma growth rate, Effect of CPAP treatment in women with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, et.). It has also collaborated in respiratory therapy guidelines (SEPAR). Direction of the First Master on Sleep Disorders. Leads the PTT study (CIBERES / SEPAR): Usefulness of PTT in the noninvasive measurement of blood pressure in a Multidisciplinary Sleep Unit.
The COPD area continues recruiting cases for the BIOMEPOC and Early COPD cohorts. It has reached an agreement with the CNIC to access the study database and validate spirometry. It has also received funding from the AES 16 call (PI16 / 01783) to detect predictive markers in the evolution of COPD in the CHAIN- SEPAR cohort. In the experimental laboratory, we are concluding the PI13 / 01909 with transcriptomics, which has detected 290 differentially expressed genes with the treatment of LGF growth factor.
The cancer area continues to be linked to the IASLC, and maintains the screening cohort, with 550 patients recruited and 10 diagnosed cancers. It collaborates in the prospective studies SAIL and SAILS (more
than 300 subjects) of prevalence of OSAS in patients with lung cancer and in the screening cohort. We participated in the BIOMEPOC cohort and in the study of epigenetics in EBUS samples. We participated
in the metabolomic study to detect the risk of lung cancer. We participated in the coordination and collaboration in the SEPAR guide for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary carcinoma.
The results of most of these initiatives will be reported this year and are the subject of multiple communications to SEPAR, ERS and ATS meetings in 2017.
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