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incorporated the project “Pneumonia in non-neutropenic oncology (NONN) patients.”
The Group maintains a study on clinical and molecular aspects of Legionellosis, including the prospective registry of new cases. In environmental health, the Group studies the disinfection effects and consequences of different measures applied on water supplies; evaluates the Legionella molecular typing techniques.
• Singular Respiratory Diseases Programme
The Group participates in Pulmonary Hypertension, in the workpackage “Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Respiratory Diseases and Hypoxia”, which includes the central registry of the research line and its quality control. The Group has joined the Pulmonary Fibrosis line as a principal investigator in the study of the bacterial and viral microbiome and the inflammation and remodeling markers of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis cohort “ Observatory” in 2016 and its relation with Progression of disease.
Most relevant scientific articles
• Gilabert-Porres J., Marti S., Calatayud L., Ramos V., Rosell A., Borros S. Design of a Nanostructured Active Surface against Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria through Plasma Activation and in Situ Silver Reduction. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016;8(1):64-73.
• Rosell A., Rodriguez N., Monso E., Taron M., Millares L., Ramirez J.L. et al. Aberrant gene methylation and bronchial dysplasia in high risk lung cancer patients. Lung Cancer. 2016; 94:102-107.
• Garcia-Nunez M., Quero S., Pedro-Botet M.L., Barrabeig I., Avarez J., Campoy I. et al. Characterization of unrelated clinical Legionella pneumophila isolates in Catalonia by monoclonal subgrouping and sequence-based typing. Future Microbiology. 2016;11(7):865-875.
• Abad J., Munoz-Ferrer A., Cervantes M.A., Esquinas C., Marin A., Martinez C. et al. Automatic video analysis for obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis. Sleep. 2016;39(8):1507-1515.
• Gallego M, Pomares X, Capilla S, Marcos MA, Suárez D, Monsó E et al. C-reactive protein in outpatients with acute exacerbation of COPD: its relationship with microbial etiology and severity. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2016; 11:2633-2640.
• The group has finalized the analysis of molecular markers of the an initial lung cancer cohort, and has objectified the relationship between stromal structure, tumor inflammation and disease survival.
• Organization of the workshop and international symposium “The Microbiome in Respiratory Medicine”, on June 2 and 3 in Barcelona.
• Principal investigator and beginning of the project FIS 15/0167 “Respiratory Microbioma in COPD”.
• Participant researcher and initiation of the FIS project 16/0977 “Prolonged global analysis with
azithromycin in the microbiome and metabolome of patients with severe COPD and frequent
exacerbations. Identification of systemic markers”.
• In molecular typing the group has validated the SBT technique for the study of outbreaks of Legionellosis.
• Agreement with the Public Health Agency of Catalonia in which the Group is recognized as a reference
center for the molecular typing Legionella.
• Principal investigator and beginning of the project FIS 16/01347 “New low cost products for disinfection in
water systems: efficiency study on Legionella”.
• Principal investigator and beginning of the project FIS 16/00216 “The pulmonary microbioma in idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis”. PATENTS
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• Obtaining and licensing of PATENT P201531409 “Integrated filter holder and procedure for concentration and detection of microorganisms”, licensed in 2016 by the company Waterologies.

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