Page 73 - CIBERES2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Isetta V., Montserrat J.M., Santano R., Wimms A.J., Ramanan D., Woehrle H. et al. Novel approach to simulate sleep apnea patients for evaluating positive pressure therapy devices. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(3).
• Farre R., Navajas D., Montserrat J.M. Technology for noninvasive mechanical ventilation: Looking into the black box. ERS Monograph. 2016;2(1).
• Ambrosino N., Vitacca M., Dreher M., Isetta V., Montserrat J.M., Tonia T. et al. Tele-monitoring of ventilator-dependent patients: A European Respiratory Society Statement. European Respiratory Journal. 2016;48(3):648-663.
• Castro-Grattoni A.L., Alvarez-Buve R., Torres M., Farre R., Montserrat J.M., Dalmases M. et al. Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Cardiovascular Remodeling Is Reversed by Normoxia in a Mouse Model of Sleep Apnea. Chest. 2016;149(6):1400-1408.
National Investigation Lines. Respiratory sleep physiology, basic and clinical studies. Development of a virtual unit of sleep. Effects of sleep disorders of breathing on different tissues other than the cardiovascular system ones (CIBER, SEPAR, SES).
European Research Lines. Telemedicine and effects of sleep disorders of breathing in different tissues other than the cardiovascular system (ERS).
At present the CIBERES-Sleep Apnea area, has a new program. The group has also developed a new series of objectives whose initial scientific production is summarized below and represent the main challenges
of the new task of the group. It is estimated that more results will come in the next years. According, to the new clinical needs, especially regards to the cost-effectiveness way of working the project will be divided in the three points.
1. Analysis of new information and communication technologies in clinical practice. More specifically analysis of the current technology like the devices as well as the clinical way of working with patients (web contacts or videoconferences) 1-3.
2. Closely linked to the previous point the different medical levels must work together as the best way to improve processes4. A basic schema has been proposed at the national level4. Finally,
3. Another aspect that we consider important is to assess the non-cardiovascular aspects of SAHS because the apnea is a systemic diseases and it is closely related in one or other aspect with among others as cancer, renal diseases or changes on the microbioma.
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