Page 72 - CIBERES2016-ENG
P. 72
leaD researcher
Montserrat Canal, Josep María
Hospital Clínico y Provincial de Barcelona
c/ Villarroel, 170
08036 Barcerlona
(+34) 93 227 92 14 [email protected] group website
Staff members: Garmendia Sorrondegui, Onintza | Torres López, Marta
Associated members: Arboix Damunt, Adriá | Dalmases Cleries, Mireia | Embid López, Cristina | Mayos Pérez, Mercedes | Monasterio Ponsa, Carmen | Morello Castro, Antonio | Parra Ordaz, Olga | Salamero Baro, Manuel | Salord Oleo, Neus | Uriarte Díaz, Juan José | Vilaseca González, Isabel
Main lines of research
• Apneas (OSA) and cancer. From 2011 there has developed a wide basic activity that can be considered to be seminal. Always based in 2 lines, the basic one co-working with the group of the Prof. Navajas and the clinic one with the Spanish Group of Sleep disorders (SEPAR) that have focused on the analysis of the melanoma. Actually, our group with the Profs. Navajas and Alcaraz (Urology Depar of the Hospital Clinic) has begun a new line of original investigation on the cancer and DARES. It is a question of analyzing the role of IT her DARES in the renal cancer. In this respect already there have been obtained very new publications (Vilaseca et to. J Urol. 2017).
• Our group has another important objective. Specifically and as the apneas are considered a systemic disease, our studies attempt to assess the effect of the OSA in other organs. Currently the group
that works in the context of the Cyber-SAHS line explores the effect of the OSA in the CKD and the Microbiome instestinal already with initial results (Moreno-Indias Sleep 2016).
• The most important line that the group takes to out today is the telemedicine applied to the OSA. Both in monitoring, early works (Isetta et to the Thorax) as in the context of the creation of a virtual unit of sleep completely either ranging from diagnostic treatment and follow-up procedures using new information and communication technologies to work with primary. Those initial results were already presented (London ERS or SEPAR congresses) endorse this new form of work, very innovative, as good and cost effective.
Chronic Respiratory Diseases

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