Page 87 - CIBERES2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Papazian L., Corley A., Hess D., Fraser J.F., Frat J.-P., Guitton C. et al. Use of high-flow nasal cannula oxygenation in ICU adults: a narrative review. Intensive Care Medicine. 2016;1-14.
• Martin-Loeches I, J Schultz M, Vincent JL, Alvarez-Lerma F, Bos LD, Solé-Violán J et al. Increased incidence of co-infection in critically ill patients with influenza.Intensive care medicine. 2016.
• Blot S.I., Rello J., Koulenti D. The value of polyurethane-cuffed endotracheal tubes to reduce microaspiration and intubation-related pneumonia: A systematic review of laboratory and clinical studies. Critical Care. 2016;20(1).
• Lujan M., Gallego M. Editorial Commentary: Pneumococcal Vaccination: Should We Kill the Enemy or Just Disarm It?. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2016;62(2):148-149.
• Sole-Lleonart C., Roberts J.A., Chastre J., Poulakou G., Palmer L.B., Blot S. et al. Global survey on nebulization of antimicrobial agents in mechanically ventilated patients: A call for international guidelines. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2016;22(4):359-364.
The group has reported two European Society Clinical Microbiology Infecdtious Diseases Position Papers on severe complications requiring ICU admission in travellers, generating tranfer of knowledge, endorsed by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology. A SR & MA on aerosolized antibiotics was concluded, with two seminal publications (Clin Microbiol Infect & Resp Care), in collaboration with Epidemiology CIBER & Cochrane Foundation being part of the PCI Pneumonia WP5. Collabaoration with IMI- Europena COmission Programme is part of the Internacionalization. We have been invited to lead an international task force for an institutional docuemnt on sepsis management. The International Journal of Infectious Disease Editor has requested a document to fix the “Research Agenda on Ventilator-associated pneumonia”
Some RCT on antibiotiocs have been performed and reported, enclosing a phase II RCT on a vaccine
with nosocomial indication. This trial and the activity on personalized medicine had meda impact (enclosing CIBERES Web: vacunas-las-infecciones-respiratorias-de-adquisicion-hospitalaria y medicina-personalizada-en-pacientes-con-gripe ). Three doctoral thesis were read and 8 are ongoing. One post-doct stage (J. Riera) has been done in Hannover (T Welte) to improve research skills on ECMO and Lung Transplant. We get a positive evaluation to get a post-doct from Marie Curie Programme re- incorporated to Spain. Eight additional thesis were ongoing (three with International Mention Doctor, with stages in University of Toronto, Liverpool, and Mexico). For second year, we directed a module of the VHIR translational Master.
Multicenter study of prevalence of asynchronies in chronic home ventilation, with a semiautomated diagnostic platform is ongoing. We requested a research grant to AGAUR from CIBERES. We get, with collaboration of a Rio Hortega fellow, a SEPAR grant, for an innovation of biomarkers in respiratory infections.
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