Page 88 - CIBERES2016-ENG
P. 88
leaD researcher
Ruiz Cabello Osuna, Jesús
fundación centro nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
c/ Melchor Fdez. Almagro, 3 28029 Madrid
(+34) 91 453 12 00 (Ext. 4105) [email protected]
group website
Staff members: Santos Oviedo, Arnoldo de Jesús
Associated members: Arias Guedón, Teresa | Benito Vicente, Marina | Bilbao Luri, Izaskun | España Palomares, Samuel | Filice, Marco | Herranz Rabanal, Fernando | Izquierdo García, José Luís | Lechuga Vieco, Ana Victoria | Mateo De Castro, Jesús | Pellico Saez, Juan | Rodríguez Ramírez de Arellano, Ignacio | Velasco Jimeno, Carlos | Villa Valverde, Palmira
Main lines of research
The group is integrated in the Advanced Imaging Unit (AIU) that was established in the Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Imaging in early 2012. It is a multidisciplinary group focused in developing new imaging applications and molecular imaging developments that will expand the molecular and cellular knowledge of the different cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. With this aim our research is focused on 1) Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Imaging 2) Nanomedicine and radiochemistry and 3) Metabolomics. The group offers the scientific community state of the art imaging technologies including five modalities: MRI, X-ray CT, nuclear imaging (PET), ultrasound (echocardiography) and optical (bi and tri-dimensional luminescence and fluorescence). In the field of Nanomedicine the group encompasses a nanotechnology and organic chemistry laboratory in which we develop new nanoparticles, molecular probes and biofunctionalization techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of different cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Currently our group produces multifunctional nanoparticles for all imaging techniques available at our institution, like Iron Oxide, liposomes, Up-converting Nanophosphors and Gold Nanoparticles,
all of them functionalized with different cardiovascular and pulmonary biomarkers. Additionally, a new 68Ga (and from beginning of 2014) 89Zr radiochemistry laboratory is fully operative to provide specific
Chronic Respiratory Diseases Diffuse Respiratory Diseases

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